
Reading your recent blog was so insightful. My daughter was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism/Graves’ disease. Then I came down with the same symptoms and I was next in line to be diagnosed with the same disease. This was the same doctor that couldn’t even remember my daughter was also his patient even when she went with me to my appointment. I was put on toxic meds and my body did about face and now I am hypothyroidism it has been a crazy ride and expensive. I am ready for a healthy solution and the blog was helpful. Thanks, Venus.


Hello Venus. Thank You for your comment regarding hyperthyroidism and Graves’ disease and the opposite ‘dis-ease’ hypothyroidism.

Many others have healed themselves of thyroid diseases by eating seaweed, so rich in Iodine. Your thyroid cannot produce thyroid hormones without Iodine and other nutrients. Try to bake bread without flour, or drive down the road without gas, or clench your fist without calcium – the same is true for our thyroid and all other endocrine glands for that matter, which are manufacturing units for hormones. If specific raw materials like Iodine are not present, your glands will have trouble producing hormones. Some glands become enlarged as they grow to make more hormone producing tissues and still the lack of raw materials cripples their hormone production.

In some people, the thyroid becomes overactive as it tries desperately to produce hormones which can result in serious symptoms and Graves’ Disease, which can be brought on by chronic stress, excess Iodine, deficiency of Iodine and immune system malfunction. A study by Dr. David Brownstein, of 24 patients, revealed that 92% with Hashimoto’s and Graves’ Disease had an Iodine Deficiency. Dr. Brownstein’s books Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It and Overcoming Thyroid Disorders – Book or DVD.

Returning to a natural diet, reducing stress, which plays a large role in this disease and enhancement of immune system function by cleansing and nourishing, can restore your health completely. A great book on using natural treatments to heal from Graves’ Disease is written by Doctor Eric Osansky. Dr. Osansky was personally diagnosed with Graves’ Disease and developed his own natural protocol while healing himself and returning to a normal state of health. Natural Treatment Solutions For Hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease, Discover How Following A Natural Treatment Protocol Can Restore Your Health … And Help You To Avoid Radioactive Iodine.

Some people have an opposite effect where after many years the thyroid becomes slow and sluggish, which is often diagnosed as Hypothyroidism and in most cases is brought on by a deficiency of Iodine. In this case it is best to consider nutrient deficiencies because they are so intimately connected to disease. Iodine deficiency is often overlooked by practitioners, even though it is extremely common and Iodine supplementation through increased quality of diet and stress reduction can be a simple way to improve abnormal thyroid function.

The fact that two people in a family show similar symptoms, ie. ‘thyroid symptoms’ is often blamed on genetics but can simply mean that the children have the same diets as their parents, which may have certain nutrients in deficient or excess amounts. Many people around the world with endocrine, and particularly thyroid diseases are deficient in Iodine and other nutrients, all of which are available in appropriate amounts in seaweed.

Although there are many steps to healing your body, this one of adding seaweed into your diet on a regular basis, can have a powerful and profound effect on healing. It provides so many nutrients that were previously lacking, facilitating cleansing and healing. The perfect food for humans truly is seaweed, as it contains every nutrient needed by humans for optimum functioning.

Ask your Endocrinologist, Physician or Naturopathic Doctor to check your levels of thyroid hormones and if they are out of balance, maybe it’s time to consider adding nutrient rich sea vegetables to your diet. Once you’ve added seaweed into your diet daily for a couple of months and reduced your stress levels, your physician can test your levels of Thyroid hormones again. Come back and let us know if this simple change has helped your thyroid to heal itself and improve its ability to manufacture thyroid hormones appropriately for you.

Recent events like the Fukoshima nuclear disaster and studies that have shown arsenic in seaweeds have raised concerns about the safety of seaweed. I wrote to Mountain Rose Herbs, our favourite organic herb supplier (search ‘seaweed’ for all types available) and they wrote back:

“Where our seaweed is Certified Organic it has been tested for pesticides and contaminants. Our seaweeds are harvested and processed to EU Regulations and they guarantee:

  • Sourced from clean oceans (ours is from Canadian Atlantic waters and Iceland)
  • Processed within hours of harvest
  • Labels are conforming
  • No contamination

We do spot test for arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury. Certificates of analysis are available by request.”

Mountain Rose Herbs