Healthy kids eat healthy food!

Of all the supplements staring me in the face at the health food store, essential fatty acids (EFA’s) are the ones I choose over all the others for my grandchildren. Why? Well, for several reasons. First, essential nutrients cannot be manufactured by our body so we must get them from food.

Statistics show that children in North America are deficient in Omega 3 or alpha-linolenic acid, so this is the essential fatty acid we need to supplement with. The reason for this is that our kids don’t eat fish (the main animal source of Omega 3’s) the way our ancestors did. Even if they do like fish, most fish in the supermarket today is farmed and does not provide an acceptable level of Omega 3’s.

Stay away from farmed fish and opt for wild fish or wild fish oils instead. The richest vegetarian source of Omega 3’s is in flax seed meal or flax oil.

Today our overuse of vegetable oils in everything from baked goods, to french fries, and salad dressing provides an overabundance of Omega 6 unsaturated fats. Too much Omega 6 blocks the absorption of Omega 3. The ideal ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 is 2:1. This is an easy imbalance to correct by supplementing with wild fish oil, flax seed oil, and ground flax seeds.

EFA Benefits

EFA’s have so many important functions in the human body that it’s almost a crime not to give our kids this crucial supplement. They are used in every cell, nook, and cranny in our bodies. They lubricate cell membranes and joints and are used in hormone production, which is imperative to the proper functioning of every organ system. They produce silky hair, smooth skin, and healthy nails. They speed healing of wounds, increase metabolism, energy, and vitality, and bring a feeling of calmness, definitely something kids can use and parents welcome.

Essential fatty acids help with fatigue, reduce water retention, and are used in oxygen transfer from the lungs to all tissues. EFA’s reduce blood pressure and blood clotting, reduce blood cholesterol, and enhance immune functions. They help fatigued muscles recover after exercise, satisfy appetite, and reduce hunger. EFA’s are used by the brain and retina of the eye. In short, they feed, nourish, and protect our entire body.

Omega 3 fatty acids are the ultimate brain food. Without them, our bodies do not function properly. Our thinking becomes foggy, we feel tired, and are not able to concentrate.  A deficiency of Omega 3 has been implemented in behavioural abnormalities such as Attention Deficit Disorder and learning disabilities.

Omega 3 Deficiency

Deficiency signs to look for include:

  • Excessive thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Ear infections

Omega 3 Sources

The easiest way to get essential fatty acids into your child’s diet is by feeding them foods rich in this important fat. Food sources of Omega 3’s include:

  • Fresh wild, oily fish such as Salmon and Tuna
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Fresh seeds and nuts, especially Flax, Walnut, Sunflower, and Sesame seeds

Add walnuts and sunflower seeds to salads and cereals.

Kids love to crack their own nuts so leave a bowl of fresh walnuts with a nut cracker on the table.

Flax seeds can be ground in a coffee grinder, or just purchase ground flax. Sprinkle on salads, yogourt (for non dairy use coconut), or on cereal.

If you are supplementing with oil, I recommend a daily intake of Omega 3 at 1 tablespoon for every 50 pounds of body weight per day.

Another excellent way to add nutrients to your child’s diet is with smoothies which can be tailored to satisfy even the fussiest of tasts buds. Kids not only love the taste of smoothies but they enjoy making them too. Once you teach your kids the basics of making smoothies, be prepared to wash out the blender continuously.

There are three basic components to most smoothie recipes. These include fresh or frozen fruit, a creamy base such as yogourt or alternative milk, and essential fatty acids.

Tantalizing Tropical Smoothie


1 organic banana

1/2 cup organic yogourt

1 large mango

1 thick slice fresh pineapple

or substitute mango and pineapple with a handful of frozen mixed tropical fruit

1 to 3 tablespoons of flax seed oil



Toss ingredients in a blender, blend adding a tiny bit of water or juice if needed, until smoothie comes together smoothly without chunks.


Bountiful Berry Smoothie


1 organic banana

1/2 cup organic yogourt

1 cup fresh or frozen berries of choice

1 to 3 tablespoons of flax seed oil



Toss ingredients in a blender, blend adding a tiny bit of water or juice if needed, until smoothie comes together smoothly without chunks.