The second principle of the 10 Key Principles of Healing in The Cancer Journal ~ Heal Yourself!, is to ‘Cleanse and Detoxify!’.
This is because people who cure themselves of serious illnesses, including cancer, always include an intense cleansing program. This is one of the secrets to jump starting your healing process. Your body cannot heal if it is full of junk!
I’ve prepared a special report from the second principle called Cleanse Your Body! to give you a deeper understanding about cleansing and to share some practical ideas about how to start cleansing right away … today even!
Start slow and simple until you become familiar and comfortable with your first cleanses, then move up to more complex cleanses as you enjoy the way they make you feel amazing, younger and full of energy. These cleanses may prove to be a key component in your healing process, like they have been for thousands of other people.
These cleanses can serve you for the rest of your life. Anytime you need to cleanse or are suffering from illness, they are a perfect way to improve your health quickly and safely and make you feel better fast.
Here is a quick list of the cleanses included in Your free Report, Cleanse Your Body!
- Daily Fast ~ Preventative and Restorative
- Simple Water Cleanse ~ Weight Loss and Quick Detox
- Lemon Juice Cleanse ~ Alkalizing and Liver Cleansing
- Watermelon Cleanse ~ Weight Loss, Immune Boosting, Dissolves Kidney Stones
- Burdock Root Tea Cleanse ~ Blood Cleansing
- Fresh Juice Cleanse ~ Restorative and Energy Producing
- Raw Vegan Cleanse ~ Enlightening and Rejuvenating
- Brown Rice Cleanse ~ many delicious foods on this cleanse ~ Comforting and Supportive
- Liver Gallbladder Cleanse ~ Relieves Liver and Gall Bladder Congestion
Please let us know how the report, Cleanse Your Body! has made a difference in your life by shooting us an email anytime. Thanks and Best of Luck on your healing journey.
The file should be quick to download, if you have any problems, just email us from the Contact section.
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