When I first saw this spider in my garden a few years ago I was petrified because her body was the size of my thumb! I didn’t know who she was or what she was doing there and I was very afraid of getting bitten as I waded through the squash plants.

Over the years I have come to know that she is not a threat to me and I’ve even realized that she and I coexist and help each other, as I plant vegetables that attract dinner for her and she eats the insects, so they can’t eat my vegetables.

You are probably wondering what this has to do with healing, my normal topic of conversation. I wondered too as I kept staring at this photo until I realized our relationship with natural healing is much like our relationship with scary garden spiders.

Sometimes we are just not sure what our role is, or of exact steps to take and it can be much too overwhelming.

We hold a fundamental belief that our bodies can heal, we do know this is true, but there are a lot of scary garden spiders out there and it’s hard to know who to trust and where to start.

You may have felt you were in this same position at times; having a deep knowing in your core that your body is able to heal itself, and wondering what to do next.

Maybe this will help.

An Ode To Scary Garden Spider

At first I hated you
I admit … I was afraid

But then I came to understand you
And all that you have to offer

Forces push

Some chastise and name quacks
While pushing poisons and lies
Their ignorance tears us apart
It makes me not trust you
It makes you not trust me

Others share their knowledge
Their truth binds us together like a web
Sticky with trust
And … love

Upon which I lay my life
and others lay theirs

This is how we see it Scary Garden Spider

First we had cancer
And we had natural healing
But we lacked understanding

Then we had cancer
Natural healing was outlawed
And the real cure for cancer suppressed
Instead we were coerced into believing poisons and lies healed
But lies are lies, and poisons are poisons
And … too many of us died …

Here is now and here goes cancer
Because this time it’s different
Now we have understanding

About things kept secret
About what works and what doesn’t
About lies

So …

We heal ourselves
Because we know
We believe
We can
And so we do

As scary garden spiders

As healers of ourselves

We understand

What we have to offer

To … Ourselves

Healing is our way

Ripe for healing in our hearts

Ripe for healing in our souls

Ripe for healing in the white blood cells that scour our adorable spongy glands, our beautiful, amazing organs, our streams and streams of rich red, bloody vessels …

Tagging … healing … curing

So we are

