From being given the death sentence, on hourly morphine and bed ridden, Dr. Sue Gelder cures herself of an inoperable spinal tumour using natural therapies only.
After you have listened to the short video, look below for more information about Dr. Gelder and her empowering story.
Once you’ve listened to Dr. Sue’s incredible story, scroll down underneath her book, to listen to the audio Visualization she sent for you!
AUDIO Interview with Dr. Sue Gelder on healing Spinal Tumor
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How I Cured My Tumor Naturally and How You May Help Cure Yours Too by Dr Sue Gelder
Dr. Sue Gelder’s Book, “How I Cured My Tumor Naturally and How You May Help Cure Yours Too“
“I returned to education in my late forties after home educating two of my three children. Having no previous certificate of education I entered college and studied GCE in Sciences, Math and English, Computing and also A-level in Chemistry and Human Biology. I secured a place at University studying Biomedical Sciences. In addition I studied Bach Flower Remedies at Practitioner level, Psychology, Aromatherapy, Naturopathy, all whilst doing the later part of my Biomedical Science honours degree course. Afterwards I took an honour degree in Homeopathic Medicine whilst at the same time studying Field Control Therapy, Thermal Auricular Therapy.
It was during my Biomedical Sciences degree course that I developed my tumor and had to take a year out. During my Homeopathic Medicine degree one of my sons died and so I took a year out from that too.
Now, after returning to health I wrote my book ‘How I Cured My Tumor Naturally and How You May Help Cure Yours Too’. My aim is to help as many people as possible realise that being given the death sentence can turn out to be the best thing that ever happens and I intend to show people how they can help themselves should they decide to choose life.” July 2011, Dr. Sue Gelder